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Resonance is a new special effect of combining some Figures with each other on the Altarpiece of Favours. There are 24 resonances in the game, and several new ones added with 2.0 and the Mea Culpa expansion. Some improve the characteristics of certain weapons or add new abilities to them, while others improve the Penitent himself and other aspects of the game.

Tables with all resonances[]


Combining any figures from the same category creates simple resonances.

Resonance Effect
Gregal's Favour
Category1 + Category1
Increases Veredicto's strength.
Lebeche's Favour
Category2 + Category2
Increases Sarmiento & Centella's strength.
Jaloque's Favour
Category3 + Category3
Increases Ruego Al Alba's strength.
Cierzo's Favour
Category4 + Category4
Increases any source of elemental damage.


Resonance Effect
The Anointed One + The Purified One
Item The Anointed One Item The Purified One
Boosts some of Veredicto's hits, creating bursts of Fire when activated.
Venomous Resin
The Anointed One + The Alchemist
Item The Anointed One Item The Alchemist
Replaces Veredicto's embers with toxic incense, causing its blows to create clouds of Miasma.
Purging Bronze
The Anointed One + The Confessor
Item The Anointed One Item The Confessor
Inflames Veredicto with dark fire born of Guilt itself. Increases damage depending on accumulated Guilt.
Burning Faith
The Thurifer + The Selfless Father
Item The Thurifer Item The Selfless Father
Reduces Fervour consumption to zero by keeping Veredicto in a Active state.

Sarmiento & Centella[]

Resonance Effect
The Veteran One + The Tempest
Item The Veteran One Item The Tempest
Sarmiento & Centella's strikes can create chain lighting bolts that damage nearby enemies.
The Veteran One + The Guide
Item The Veteran One Item The Guide
Verdadera Destreaza charges Sarmiento & Centella's blades with currents of Mystical damage. In addition, Sacred Lunge casts a shadow that strikes after a short moment.
Purging Silver
The Veteran One + The Confessor
Item The Veteran One Item The Confessor
A dark storm born of Guilt itself sweeps across the silver. Increases the damage of Sarmiento & Centella's lighting bolts depending on the amount of Guilt accumulated.
Second Wind
The Pilgrim + Nacimiento
Item The Pilgrim Item Nacimiento (Altarpiece of Favour)
Drinking a Bile Flask regenerates all Verdadera Destreza markers.

Ruego Al Alba[]

Resonance Effect
Rosary of Torment
The Punished One + The Guide
Item The Punished One Item The Guide
Reaper Rosary launches a cutting wave that causes Mystical damage.
Galvanic Plead
The Punished One + The Tempest
Item The Punished OneItem The Tempest
Blood Pact imbues the blade of Ruego Al Alba with lightning.
Purging Steel
The Punished One + The Confessor
Item The Punished One Item The Confessor
A dark force born of one's own Guilt runs through Ruego Al Alba. Increases the Mystical damage of Blood Pact depending on the Guilt accumulated.
Endless Wrath
The Partisan + The Demented One
Item The Partisan Item The Demented One
Killing an enemy during Blood Pact renews its duration.


Resonance Effect
The Alchemist + The Partisan
Item The Alchemist Item The Partisan
Blocking an attack create a whirlpool of Miasma that damages nearby enemies.
Thorned Retort
The Alchemist + Trifón
Item The Alchemist Item Trifón (Altarpiece of Favour)
Creates a barrier of thorns when struck, inflicting Miasma damage.
Briar and Thorn
The Alchemist + The Pillagerag
Item The Alchemist Item The Pillager
When dodging, a barrier of thorns is invoked, damaging and piercing through enemies.
Storm Steps
The Tempest + The Pillager
Item The Tempest Item The Pillager
Dodge creates lightning bolts, which damage nearby enemies.
Liquid Faith
The Scribe + Nacimiento
Item The Scribe Item Nacimiento (Altarpiece of Favour)
Drinking a Bile Flask regenerates a good amount of Fervour.
Alchemical Time
The Ecstatic Novice + Nacimiento
Item The Ecstatic Novice Item Nacimiento (Altarpiece of Favour)
Drinking a Bile Flask halts the passage of time for a few seconds.
The Ecstatic Novice + Viridiana
Item The Ecstatic Novice Item Viridiana (Altarpiece of Favour)
Executing an enemy halts the passage of time for a few seconds.
Orison Apocrypha
The Woman of the Stolen Face + The Flagellant
Item The Woman of the Stolen Face Item The Flagellant
Intones occult versions of certain prayers, which should never again be uttered.
The Path of the Believer
Cástula + Trifón
Item Cástula (Altarpiece of Favour) Item Trifón (Altarpiece of Favour)
If Guilt is at zero, the Penitent One will survive a fatal blow, restoring health and Bile Flasks to maximum. However, Guilt will also fill up completely.
Ascending Wrath
The Mercy + Tirso
File:Item The Mercy.png Item Tirso (Altarpiece of Favour)
Each successful blow with any weapon progressively increases damage inflicted for a limited period of time.
Sacred Shelter
Cobijada Mayor + The Family
Item Cobijada Mayor (Altarpiece of Favour) File:Item The Family.png
Powerful AOE after taking several hits.